Beautiful Trust

To trust in the Lord with all our heart and lean not on our own understanding is a beautiful place to be with Him. To now extend this beautiful trust that we have with Him to one another as women is so very life giving!

Our desire is that our community at Encounter Durham Ladies is a safe place to grow, to live a life of encounter, and to even fail and grow weary at times and know you are loved, is close to our hearts.  

We believe we provide a counter-cultural Kingdom community that lives for the sake of others.  Honour and respect are core values. Every few months we gather to hear stories of God’s goodness and His work in our lives, share a meal and enjoy each other’s company.

BEAUTIFUL TRUST DAYS are where you can bring any additional friends who you might want to intoduce to Encounter Durham. These usually run from 11am to 3pm.

BEAUTIFUL TRUST RETREATS have a diffrent focus and are exclusively for the women who attend Encounter to get to know each other over a longer time frame (usually 10:30am – 7pm).


We build bridges of relationship which we call ‘Beautiful Trust’ one with another.  Through our fellowship, laughter, teaching, prayer and support of one another, we are raising up strong women of faith and love to impact their own lives, their homes, their workplaces and their communities. We celebrate on another as daughters of the King!

Chris Quinn

Beautiful Trust Director